So the day after my birthday Olivia was due back at the hospital to get her stents out. She had to fast most of the day and once we got to the hospital we found out the surgeon was late by about 2 1/2 hours. Poor Olivia didn't go in until 3:00pm and after having been in the hospital so much (two UTI's post operation) we were all a bit exhausted. Here are some pix--she is so brave.
Olivia has been a little traumatized from all the hospital visits. Instead of being strong and brave she went for the fight the doctors technique. They had to hold her down to give her the gas and sneaked the drip in her arm while she was asleep. She had to wait an hour after waking up from the sleeping gas and then finally the nurse said she could take it off. This was just a day procedure. She pulled it out herself (it took forever because she didn't want it to hurt) and after eating and weeing and watching The never ending story we were able to go home.On the way home Olivia informed us that this was the worst visit yet because she didn't get any presents, cards or friends to visit AND she didn't get to stay overnight and get the video game console etc...I thought she would be happy about getting to leave so soon.
We got home about 7:00pm, picked up our other kids from their bbsers and unpacked. My friend brought us dinner around 7:30 and Stan ran off to church meetings. Currently Olivia is on Amoxocilin for 6 weeks as she has not been responding to her preventative medication (to prevent UTI's post operation) and has not been healthy the whole 9 weeks of recovery.
Now that the stents are out she is a lot less pain. She told me her tummy doesn't hurt any more (the stents cause spasms) and that her wee is no longer bloody. She is back in school (she has missed a total of about 8 weeks so far) so we have had a lot of make-up work to do. Overall we are on the mend. Once Olivia finishes her meds (in 6 weeks) she will have some ultrasounds done to see what damage has been further caused to her kidneys and we also have follow up apts with her gastroentologist
She started to gain weight right after her operation but started to loose weight as soon as she got a UTI two weeks later. Overall she still isn't growing, we will see if there is anything else to be done! Keep you posted!