Thursday, 25 June 2009


Olivia drew this lovely picture on a paper towel, taped it to her door and then added another little paper sign under it. It is like she is trying to tell me something!

Here, I will zoom into the upper right hand corner. It clearly says "NO MOMS" and then the paper underneath says...
"And I Love Dad."


Amanda said...

Sounds like something Millie would do if she knew how to write! SERIOUSLY!

Danalisa said...


The Francis Family said...

I guess you better try cross dressing. It's worked for us in the past!

Kathy said...

Haha, so sad! Kids are so funny.

btengelsen said...

Stan should save this for future fire-power.

Tristen said...

Eisha, this is hilarious. Sounds like something my Avery would do also if she could write, I love it. Thanks for sharing!