Saturday, 4 June 2011


How I spend my days with Thomas.... so glad the other two are in school!
why wipe when you can eat the toilet paper?
Peanut butter....don't worry!

Getting a snack while I take a shower


Heidi said...

PLEASE tell me that's peanut butter or mustard or something!!!

Jess, Andrew and Family said...

Oh man, but look at those curls! What a little heart breaker!

gardeniagirl said...

Oh my! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a reckless mess-making son. Unfortunately, the mess on his bed is usually not peanut butter...

Danalisa said...

OH MY! I have similar days in my house with three boys! Be glad you have one! haha He is a heartbreaker though!! =)

~adelle said...

Oh you poor thing. He is trouble! Hope you are good at laughing. :)

Harry and Suzanne said...

Thomas is way cute! When you and Laura were two years old, you emptied three boxes of cereal on our kitchen floor, and you laughed and laughed. You unrolled all the toilet tissue in one of our bathrooms, and we tried not to laugh and laugh. We tried to be serious--dign't work. Hope you are writing all this down in a journal. Have fun; he'll be grown up before you know it.

sue swinton said...

Mary and Olivia are so darling - by far the cutest ones in the class. India will definitely be quite the adventure and Thomas - well, he is darling. It is a good thing that you are patient and lots of fun. Can't wait to see you. Love you!