Monday 7 May 2012

Parent/ Teacher Interview....

A little while ago Thomas had a Parent/ Teacher interview. Unlike my other kids Thomas' interview went something like this...
Thomas in his school uniform...

Teacher: Thomas doesn't want to listen or participate with the class. When I call him he doesn't come, when we have circle time he doesn't want to sit, when we change stations and play the drum (indicative of changing stations) he ignores it.
Me: Really? Can he hear ok....?
Teacher: Yes, we screen all the boys hearing before they start at our grammar school.
Me: Maybe he has ADD?
Teacher: I don't think so--we change stations every 15 minutes throughout the day so the kids can be stimulated on all levels. Thomas wants to play with the play-doh and will for hours at a time. 
Me: So he has a LONG attention span....
Teacher: Yes, the opposite of ADD, but it disrupts the class because he is not participating with the rest of the kids.
Me: Well it is his first time in preschool.
Teacher: Yes, this is the FIRST year for everyone in preschool...and he is one of the older kids. Some kids have just turned three years old and then begin with us the next day.

Me in the car with Thomas on the way back from my Parent /Teacher Interview.

Me: Thomas, do you hear your teacher when she calls you to come to circle time?
Thomas: Yea
Me: Do you come?
Thomas: NO!
Me: Why not?
Thomas: Because I don't WANT too.

Problem solved!


btengelsen said...

holy cow I love Thomas.

Harry and Suzanne said...

No beating around the bush for him; he tells it like it is. We love him too!! His school picture is adorable.

Harry and Suzanne said...

Could you, would you, please e-mail the picture of Thomas' school picture so we can make a copy. Thanks so much! For some reason we cannot print from people's blogs.

Heidi said...

I'm just shocked that the teacher has never dealt with another child that didn't want to leave their favorite station!