Monday 29 October 2012

Pictures of Mary

Here are some pictures of Mary Adelle, now that she is 7 years old. I am loving these pictures because I am afraid this year she will loose her two front teeth and this will be the last time I get her beautiful smile with her baby teeth!
Mary is in year 1 (first grade) at school.
If I had to describe Mary with one word it would be loyal. She keeps to one friend and holds onto them dearly!
In the morning if we are running late, Mary will forfeit eating breakfast, doing her homework, getting dressed and brushing her teeth all for ensuring that her hair is combed and accessorized before going out the door. Messy hair IS the end of the world and will bring a flood gate of tears if we leave without doing it. 
Mary still loves her dad the best!
Mary is extremely affectionate
Mary's best friend is named Natalie
Mary is super smart, she can out spell Olivia and can do her math homework regularly without any help. She possibly takes for granted how easy school is for her.
Mary's least favorite job is to make her bed. She often sleeps on top of her bedding just so she won't have to make it in the morning.
Mary has recently started basketball lessons. She is tall for her age and we think with time she could be very good! Every sunday afternoon Dad and Mary shoot hoops!
In addition to basketball, Mary also participates in swimming lessons, and is starting little nippers (surf/lifesaving) this summer!
Mary told me her secret talent is surfing, so we will see how she goes at little nippers
Mary is all girl and loves barbies, littlest pet shops, friends, perfume, nail polish and skirts. Mary will avoid pants...with the exception of her basket ball uniform
Mary constantly leaves me love notes on my pillow. The other day I came across a thank you note (in October  to the Easter bunny for never forgetting her. Additional letters were for the tooth fairy, Santa's elves and their extra hard work and so on!
Mary is trying to grow her hair out like Rapunzel 
My favorite feature of Mary are her eyes!
Although more cautious than Olivia, Mary is fiercely competitive and will try anything Olivia can do!
Love you Mary- Happy Birthday!

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Danalisa said...
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