Tuesday 5 March 2013

First Day of School

Our first day of school came a bit fast this year. My dad had been in town for most of January, and the week before school started we decided to take a quick trip (4 days) down to Tasmania for the Australia day weekend. When we got back we had 1 day to prepare for school and with an empty fridge and laundry to catch up on we did most our school shopping later in the evening. Thank goodness Aldi's is open until 8:00 pm and Kmart until 10:00 pm...everything else closes at 5:00 pm in Australia so my shopping choices were limited BUT sufficient! 

Our plane left very early on Tuesday morning (we had to get the kids up around 5:30 am) so Tuesday night they were ready to go to bed early (8:30 pm)- This couldn't have been planned better as the summer holiday resulted in a lax bed time routine, so the kids actually got to bed at the normal time the night before school started!

In the morning Olivia was the first one up and dressed and very excited. This year Mary has officially outgrown Olivia (two years apart) and Olivia is dealing with it the best way she can...by going on her tip toes in all of the picture.
 Mary-Adelle (year 2)
 Olivia Sue (year 4)
 Mary and Olivia
 Better lighting away from the door... All of Australia is in a flood zone and Melbourne is in a drought...so excuse the lawn we have water restrictions :-)
 Finally one with Olivia on her flat feet! 
Mary and Olivia bike to school together in the morning and afternoon. We live 6 blocks from school and since two of the three kids have to be at different places at the same time we are excited the girls can get to from home to school on their own.
 Mary walking in to her new classroom for the first time!
 Mary meeting her new teacher and seeing who is in her class!
Mary got a very nice teacher. She reminds me of 'Miss Honey' from the Roald Dahl book 'Matilda'...She will be perfect for Mary. Olivia got the blond teacher who wears hot pink and does first pumps...I think Olivia will be in heaven!  Both girls loved their first day of school, but I am wondering if 5 weeks is long enough for a summer break! I guess it is our trade off since we get 3 two week vacations throughout the school year(one in spring, winter and fall)... in addition to our summer vacation. I JUST DON'T WANT SUMMER TO BE OVER!

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