Tuesday 16 September 2014

Olivia's first performance with Les Mis!

So the teams for the kids have finally been decided. Up until now, Olivia has been paired with different Gavroches, Cossetts and at the very end she got paired with Jackson and then they didn't shuffle the teams anymore! Olivia was so happy! What are the chances that she would know another kid in Les mis AND that they would get paired together?!  The second kid in Olivia's group is called Cassidy. She plays cossett and is the only kid who has previously been in a musical (she played Molly in the musical Annie.) It's a good team to be in! 
Here are the kids before their very first show.  As a treat for the parents, the company gives the parents a couple of free tickets. There was one for Stan and I and Mary. Then a couple hours before the show I asked if they had any spares and we got one more for Mary's friend Paige. The girls dressed up and had a great time together.
Here is the list of cast members
After the show Olivia had flowers and gifts waiting for her. I didn't realize the first performance was such a big deal.  Olivia's and Jacksons voice teacher (Cherine Peck) gave them both a matching bathrobe with their name on it and the Les Mis logo. Olivia wears it over her costume to keep clean and to keep warm, as the theater can get cold.
Stan and I also sent flowers and got her a small necklace with cossets face on it!
Jack Lyall (Olivia's friend from The Voice- kids who is currently preforming in the Kind and I) sent a balloon bouquet- 
Crazy triangle. Here is Olivia with two of her voice teachers (1) Patrice- voice teacher from Sydney (2) Cherine- voice teacher from Melbourne. Patrice is playing fauntine in Les mis with Olivia.
and to top it off, it just so happens they know each other. Cherine and Patrice toured in Lion King together. Patrice played Nala and Cherine played Shenzi...it's a small world after all!
 Here are some pictures from the show-
The cast Olivia gets to preform with
Simon Gleeson (Jean Valjean)
All in all the kids did fantastic...here is to the beginning of 6 more months!

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