Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Olivia's Notes

So you know how you have the one kid in your family that is the "angel, peacemaker, affectionate, empathetic, sweet heart kid etc....well that is Olivia in our family. I hope it is not just a 6 year old phase!! She is always leaving me notes (see below) and drawing me pictures. She likes to do it so much she makes me cards at school after her work time so that she can give me more cards at the end of school. This one is a classic (totally unprompted might I add), we have it hanging on our fridge.
I don't know if it is just in movies but it also seems that the "perfect kid" is the one with the hardest life. They die early or are sick or have disabilities etc... I think this last hospital stint really affected Olivia. I woke up one morning to about 8 jars of pee and a note telling me she was "saving up" for the next time we went to the hospital. A few days later she really had to go to the bathroom. I said "GO" and she said... "I can't I don't have any more sample cups!" Somehow she had gotten so used to catching a sample that she didn't think she could go without getting a sample.

We just got back from the hospital again today...She had some ultrasounds and scans to see how she is recovering. I was happy to find out that her surgery was a success. Everything healed and connected (urethra to the bladder) like it was supposed to without any blockage. She is able to fully empty her bladder (which is partly why she had UTI's before) and her latest UTI is due to not wiping correctly vs. a problem with the operation (which is a HUGE relief since she was on Amoxicillin at the time). After doing more urine test and waiting 48 hours for the urine culture we can see what kind of bacteria is causing the infections. This is important because (1) you can figure out what medicine will fix the problem (what will kill this strand of bacteria) and (2) sometime you can figure out the cause of the bacteria and try to avoid things or change behaviors to prevent it from happening again. There are all different ones which means a different treatment each time. Most of the time they are really weird unusual ones.


Amanda said...

I am crying. I am so glad that her surgery was a success. These little ones should not have to endure so much. Can't wait to see you guys.
love ya

Jess, Andrew and Family said...

What a sweet little girl! I am so happy to hear that things are working for her!

Susan S said...

Olivia is an amazing little girl from a wonderful family. We are so happy the surgery was successful. Always keep her written messages to you. They are so touching.

The Francis Family said...

Hooray! I'm so grateful her surgery was a success! Hopefully all of your kids will hit the 'angel' stage and just stay there permanently! I love you Eish!

Kathy said...

That post just breaks my heart. I am so glad things seem to be looking up, but she seems like the sweetest little thing- and the pee in the sample cups just breaks my heart!

Danalisa said...

So glad that you are finally getting some positive results for her! That note is adorable...a sign of good parenting too.

cambersue said...

I hope all stays where it needs to stay and that poor, sweet, girl can stay out of the hospital. I love the card. What a sweetheart.

~adelle said...

That is so sweet. I love her note and her darling attitude. I hope she continues to get better. What a trooper.