Wednesday 29 December 2010

Kiama & Christmas Morning!

It has been so nice having Stan home! He is so used to being super busy/ productive I have had the whole house de-cluttered and deep cleaned thanks to Stan. The first day he was home he re-modeled our whole patio (complete with flower pots, weather proofing our outdoor furniture, getting a bbq etc...) Then yesterday he cleaned out the garage. Because he has been home I have had some down time, which has been wonderful. I started by taking a three day trip to Kiama to visit some friends. Olivia's best friend from school moved down there and her mum was my best friend so we did a girls trip. They live right on the beach and we went swimming and did nature walks and got ice blocks and saw the lighthouses and blow holes--it was wonderful! Here are some pictures!
We got back Wednesday and had a few days to prepare for Christmas. Stan had done mostly everything--partly because I was pretty sure the kids were getting coal this year (except for Thomas) and Stan was pretty sure they were not getting coal. I Guess Santa showed me! I am pretty sure Santa finished up around 1:00am and then he ate cookies and drank hot chocolate on our balcony until 2:00am.
Decorating sugar cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve.
and Thomas eating some!
Opening our Christmas PJ's (short sleeved this year, as my mom decided she didn't want to do it for all the grandkids like she had planned...we were able to get something season appropriate in Oz!)

Reindeer twins

Christmas morning we woke up to waffles and the china!
Thomas has seen way too many girl movies when he saw the set up and said "O- a tea cup!"
Opening a Christmas cracker and getting a hat, joke and toy!

This year Olivia got some roller skates (which she really wanted) and Mary got a littlest pet shop play house and Thomas got a spider man costume! Note: Thomas instantly put on the costume and then started to swing from the curtains. Stan got a Wii and I got a small chest to store any breakable things I have left that have not been broken YET. It was a great Christmas! We had so many gifts from family that Santa took a few back with him on mom's order since she was pretty sure the girls were getting coal--what a compromise :-)
Mary got a pet shop set up and a pet shop game for the wii
and spider man!
Olivia & Daddy Christmas morning! Thanks grandma for the underwear!
Santa got Stan a refurbished Wii
And as always the box is the best gift!
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~!