Friday 14 October 2011

Holiday in Melbourne--Part 2

Our second week in Melbourne we were back at the Westin.
The hotel was tucked into the street (I like how fancy the alleyway was...although my kids were freaked out by the naked people up top...)
This time our view was on the other side of the Cathedral overlooking Federation Square!
Swimming in the pool at the hotel. We went every day!
Here we are looking at the National Opal Museum. I learned that 80% of the worlds opals come from Australia. White opals are found both outside and inside of Australia, but black opals are unique to Australia. I also learned how to tell if an opal is fake and what makes an opal rare!
Here is opal in a rock
Here we are in an alleyway in the city! Melbourne is famous for its street art. Something I learned that is unique to Melbourne is that all the street performers have to audition and get a license to preform. Only a limited number of performers are allowed, so you quite often get older well dressed men playing their violins instead of grunge people rocking out on a drum set. It makes for a very artsy experience!
Although heavily tagged the alleyway was extremely CLEAN!? Appreciate art of all kinds right?
And next to the alley way--a bunch of posh boutiques!
Getting some ice cream on Olivia's birthday!
Notice anything new? Happy Birthday Olivia!
Hanging out in Williamstown (a suburb 15 minutes outside of Melbourne) with some friends from my high school- Candace & Wes Anderson
The local botanical gardens
Here we are looking at the biggest stain glass ceiling in Australia.
After two weeks, we flew back to Sydney for (1) Olivia's birthday party on Saturday and (2) School on Monday! Good bye Melbourne!!

1 comment:

Harry and Suzanne said...

What wonderful travel guides you both are Stan and Alisha. Your blog is the closest we will ever get to Melbourne, Sydney, and all the other lovely places in Australia. We get to see and experience Australia vicariously through you. Thank you!