Saturday 1 September 2012

Day 2: Litchfield National Park

On our Second day we started our camping/ outback trek to Broome. This was our first time camping as a family. Stan got a 5 person tent and we actually managed quite well considering we set the tent up for our first time in the dark. Stan kept telling me he was a 'boy scout' every time I informed him I was from Montana and knew how to set up a tent.
Our tent!
An Aussie campground... notice the gumtrees and red dirt :-)
The drive from Darwin to Broome is a little over 21 hours. Since our trip was about a week we needed to drive a couple hours each day. This was perfect since there were things to stop off and see each day. Our first day was touring Litchfield National park.
Those rock things...  yea they are termite mounds... there were hundreds!
Giant termite mounds
Miss Mary!
Stan (above) found the biggest termite mound- congrats mate!
After visiting the termite mounds we drove onto a dirt road and visited a conglomeration of rocks called "the lost city" It really did look like an ancient city that had been destroyed-
It just went on for, I mean kilometers :-)
Olivia showing us a flower, I can't remember what they are called but I know the rainbow lorakeets love to eat them.

This National park is crawling with saltwater crocodiles. There are only three designated swimming holes open to the public in the park. The rule of thumb for swimming in the outback is: don't look for a "do not swim sign" if it isn't marked it isn't safe; there will be a crocodile! Only swim where is says "swimming open". When  you see an open sign it means every morning a park ranger has circled the waterhole with a helicopter and declared it safe. If they see a crocodile in the morning, then they trap the croc and bring it out before they put the open sign out :-) Since crocs are territorial there will usually only be one per swimming hole...unless it is mating season-
We got here mid-day, and there were plenty of other swimmers so we figured it was safe. Wangi Falls everyone!
There were two waterfalls (we swam under both). Although Mary can swim she was terrified (ok hysterical would be a better word) while swimming as the middle of the water was completely black due to the huge moss coverage. She really thought there was a crocodile in the water.

After Wangi Falls, we drove 10 minutes to the next swimming hole (Florence Falls) also with two waterfalls. Below is a picture of the girls on the hike!
Mary on the hike down to Florence Falls

Me by the first waterfall and me climbing up by the second waterfall
This second time the kids didn't want to swim in the swimming hole- instead they wanted to play in the stream
And then we found a little python just up the stream :-)
The kids were exhausted and after swimming we drove to our next campsite!


sue swinton said...

Your blog is great! I love that you have such grand adventures. You certainly put on an awesome party for Thomas. You are the best!

~adelle said...

EEK. I am not sure if I would dare get in the water either. You are brave! It looks very beautiful though. Such a fun adventure!