Tuesday 15 January 2013

Christmas Day!

Christmas Morning!  The kids woke up around 7:00 am and after breakfast we 
Eggnog and french toast!
Thomas was on the "naughty list" so he only got one gift...a transformer from Santa :-)
Mary and Olivia were on the "maybe list" and did very well!
Here is my gift from Olivia, a beautiful poem that she wrote at school for me :-)
Littlest Pet Shops...we cannot get enough
Thank goodness for grandparents who sent Thomas a few gifts
Mary with a new coat- thanks Grandma & Grandpa
some more gifts from grandparents :)

Uncle Dan & Aunt Katie gave Olivia a Science game
And more toys from grandparents...Thomas you lucky boy!
Stan finally got a toaster- the only thing he wanted all year! 
Each kid got another kid a gift this year. With only three kids, there is no need to draw names out of a hat! Here is an egg that Mary got Olivia. The kids were so excited to put their gifts for each other under the tree.
Awe- we love this Christmas book!
After Christmas we went over to a really good friends house (Suzanne Whitmarsh) for Christmas lunch. Suzanne is very classy so we had the full spread of china dishes outside on the veranda overlooking the pool and palm trees. The food was divine and as always I can learn a thing or two from Suzanne about how to host a great party! Sadly there are no pictures!

 Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


The Francis Family said...

I'm sure you could throw a splendid party if you wanted to--you were always good at that kind of thing! I'm glad you had a Merry Christmas! What beautiful photos!!

The Tengelsens said...

Looks like fun! Can't wait to see you guys this summer!