Thursday 17 January 2013

Raspberry picking!

I am so sad cherry season is SO SHORT. After having such a great time cherry picking with the family I was going to bring my dad up to do it we were out of cherries. The season was over so we hit up a raspberry patch and picked there instead. It was also nearing the end of the season for the raspberries but we were able to still fill a small bucket.
You should all know that watermelon and raspberries are my two favorite fruits, so cherry season being finished was not that devastating :-)
Thomas, Papa John and Mary

Thomas would eat anything I picked so Papa John became the designated holder of the berry bucket. 
Sharing Grandpa's sunnies (what the aussies call sunglasses out here :-)


Harry and Suzanne said...

Great pictures and event!

Laura said...

These pictures are making me jealous as I sit here in our freezing house. Maybe I'll come visit next winter when Ben takes his qualifiers!