Monday 20 May 2013

Mothers Day, and the Gold Coast!

This year for Mothers Day weekend we flew up to the Gold Coast. Stan had a Bain training meeting up there on Thursday and Friday, so we met him Friday night and flew back as a family on Monday. The Gold Coast is like Florida in America. It is warmer (up in Queensland), it has miles and miles of beaches, the mix of the younger party crowd + the older retired crowd. The mass grouping of amusement parks: Wet N' Wild, Sea world, Movie Land (kind of like a Universal Studios)....still waiting for a Disney Land) and that about sums it up.
We had a fantastic time- here are some pictures from our weekend!
 We were able to only hit two parks over the weekend. First was Sea world (Internet picture above) and phone pictures below.

 Feeding the sting rays!
 Remember to touch the sides (that look like wings, but not the head and tail (they are sensitive)).
 Mary said, 'it felt slimy.' They have no teeth so they suck the little fish and squid bits off your hand.
Our first roller coaster was at Sea world. Stan was so excited to take the girls on their first coaster. Thomas was too short so he stayed back with me. Unfortunately when the girls got up to the line Mary (7 years) got through, but Olivia (9 years) didn't. They are about an inch apart, but the lady would not let Olivia through. You can imagine the horror on Olivia's face, the hot tears while Stan and Mary rode the coaster twice in a row.
It all came out, right then and there. Olivia "It is so hard being small! I am two years older than Mary and she gets to go on a roller coaster before ME! It's not fair, I hate it (sobbing)" There was nothing I could do to make it better, and everything you can say (as a parent) had already been said and continues to be said. I just kind of listened :(

Later we hit Movie World. Olivia put her hair in a high pony tail and rode every ride she could. She had something to prove. The best was the Batman Space-Shot. I said "no way." Olivia lined up with Mary and Stan, and when Olivia got through, Mary told the lady who measures kids that she was too short to ride. Olivia said "no your not" and dragged her on.
Thomas and I rode the kiddy- coasters :-) They were perfect!
Here are some more pictures of the parade and rides-
 Me and Mary!
 Bugs Bunny and Olivia

Our hotel was walking distance to Sea world. 
The picture below is of the gold coast (the beaches are golden).
 Our hotel  (Sheraton) was right on the sand, it was beautiful and I love nothing more than running on the beach. The kids had such a great time swimming in the pool (below). 
It was a great weekend and glad I got to spend Mothers Day with the kids!