Monday 29 July 2013

Mary Lost a tooth!

Mary has had a loose tooth for a very long time now. Once it was finally hanging by a thread (and Mary could no longer eat her lunch at school) we decided she needed to pull it out. Olivia was very keen to help...maybe a little too keen!  I think the pictures tell the rest of the story!

 Hanging by a thread- 
 Olivia eager to help....

 Olivia- your face is cracking me up here...

After the tooth was out, Mary called her best friend from school, who drew her a picture the next day.
In Australia the tooth fairy leaves 1 gold coin for good teeth. A gold coin is either one or two dollars. Mary really wanted the blue tooth fairy to come, as the coin usually has some fairy dust on it. I think the blue tooth fairy did come. Unfortunately Mary fell over on her bike coming home from school the next day, and had to spend her glittery gold coin on a band-aid. She was so sad, she wrote a note to the tooth fairy and luckily received another glittery coin the next day. Good thing the tooth fairy checks under pillows every night and got Mary's note :-)


sue swinton said...

Good for you Mary and what a great help Olivia! Sure do miss you already! XO

Christian Francis said...

Now you know why us dentists wear masks when we torture people, it's to hide the huge grins we have! Glad Olivia gets it.

Harry and Suzanne said...

You are sooooo brave Mary, and it is nice to have a big sister so willing to help. Love you both!