Friday 2 May 2014

Teaching Thomas how to ride a bike!

So Thomas has finally learned to ride a bike! He is 5 and our earliest rider. He began riding a few years back with training wheels, had a scare where he couldn't figure out where to stop (ran into a pole, fell off his bike) and then was not really interested in riding again. He was most afraid because his older sisters convinced him there were snakes in the grass so when he fell off his bike he was pretty freaked out. Anyway, two years later we have come back to the same place and he has finally mastered the two-wheeler!
 Why is smiling so hard for kids?
 Practicing on pavement first!
 doing some hills on the grass
 Taking a break to feed the swans
 enjoying the view
 Good Job Thomas!!


Harry and Suzanne said...

WAY TO GO THOMAS--So proud of you and are happy you now can ride your bike and keep up with your sisters. Sure do love you!

btengelsen said...

Thomas, there ARE snakes in the grass. Always watch out!

sue swinton said...

Go Thomas!! You are the man!! XO