Saturday, 26 July 2014

Media update: New Idea Magazine

Aside from newspaper or internet articles, whenever a magazine wants to interview Olivia we will get a call from The Voice- kids facilitating an interview. Usually it will last for 10  minutes, Olivia will get called by The Voice-Kids, and then they will connect the call with the Magazine. It is a 3 way call with Olivia, the Magazine and The Voice-kids. Olivia does get nervous and tends to ramble, but I guess more information is better than less!
Here is a clip that came out in New Idea-

 I am just getting on top of the news. It is mostly a story about how this 'singing thing' all started when Olivia was busking for her friend Millie Flamm and then information about the how she donates now through Millie's Princess Foundation. The lady in the picture next to Olivia is Delta Goodrem, an Aussie pop star who also fought cancer as a teenager. This was the main reason Olivia picked Delta for her coach! 

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