Wednesday 23 December 2009

So today we went to feed the sharks and sting rays. The people advertised that the sharks were tame, had no teeth and that it was the only place in the world where normal people could just climb into the water with them and feed them. So we suited up the kids and went! Olivia did smashing, Mary did okay but spent most of the time out of the water, and Thomas was more or less terrified. I ended up feeding from the sidelines to keep an eye on the kids who wanted to run around. While feeding the sharks I dangled my leg over the side of the tank next to my food stick. Ten minutes later a shark swam up to my leg and bit me, YES I HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY A SHARK, and whatever about the no teeth thing, I was bleeding and have a big circle gash... maybe I should be glad Thomas didn't want to jump on in :-)
Mary feeding the sting rays with a stick
They literally would come up for food and hang on the side of the tank
That one is huge, each tank was a different depth and had different sized animals, this was the big tank!

My little marine biologist! She was so good with the animals!

Me helping Mary in the smallest, shallowest pool...after this she wanted out (I guess she is 4).

That was the biggest shark...I got bit by a weeny one!
Thomas not happy about the "fish"
Stan and Mary in the big tank...this lasted about 10 seconds. Next time we do this I will wait until the kids are a few years older so they enjoy climbing into the water, but overall a cool experience!


Jess, Andrew and Family said...

Ohh my GOSH!!!! I am so jealous of everything!!!! The beach, the camel beach ride, swimming with sharks and stingrays...why oh why is it winter here???? Seriously, the snow is SO overrated- I want the beach now!
I guess I will have to wait 6 more months- booo! You guys inspired me to want to take our own vacation though- its about time we branched out from our family!
Have a wonderful Christmas- and congrats to Stan on his promotion!

breena rae said...

oh no! you got bit! hope that heals into a fun scar...
everything looks so fun and makes me miss the summer time! have a good christmas!

Heidi said...

Shark bites make for AWESOME scar stories!!! =0) Talk about a terrifying amusement park, sounds similar to taking the kids to Florida and stickin' 'em in a gator tank with some chicken on a stick. Chicken, child thigh, chicken, child thigh.....must be a difficult decision.