Wednesday 6 June 2012

Prayers for Millie

So I am officially in Utah for my little brothers wedding and I am so excited that I get to visit Miss Millie during this visit! I recently spoke to her mom and things are looking ok... I say OK because not everything is working out perfectly; but the Flamms are fighters so I don't think they would tell me if they were in a total panic anyway. I am not going to lie-- I am worried SICK!

Here's why: After Millie relapsed she had to do three quick and hard rounds of chemo. She lost her hair again and was in the hospital for a long time. They did the chemo again to kill the cancer (which had consumed 80% of her bone marrow) and were hoping to get the levels to almost no cancer (like 0.06%--this is a safe level) before the bone marrow transplant! (you want the new healthy stuff to kill off Millies unhealthy stuff). After 3 rounds of chemo Millies levels were not quite at this safe level (although they were low). But I don't think Millie can do any more chemo now...she has met the max!

So now it is down to two radiation treatments before they can give her a bone marrow transplant. This is not always the case--I think Millie is getting the maximum treatment. She is getting this done on Tuesday and I am going to be at the hospital with them until I fly back to oz at 10:00pm. Millie will be throwing-up a lot (radiation makes you nauseous), I am not sure if she will want me around...but I want to at least be in the hall to talk and hang out with Amanda when Millie sleeps etc...

Anyway, after the radiation THEN Millie can get the transplant. They did not find a perfect match (I think it was like 80% match). This is OK--there is a risk that her body could reject the marrow and attack itself.  Her family held a special fast last week but given the circumstances Millie needs all the help she can get right now!

Assuming everything goes well during this month of June, Millie is also holding her very first Princess Fun Run to raise funds for her health costs. Lets all hope we get to run with Millie and not in memory of her. I am holding my breath these next two weeks! Here is where you can register:

Here is princess Millie-- you have to watch this!!

And last of all for corrections on anything I paraphrased incorrectly... here is Amanda's blog (with a lot less panic) :


Harry and Suzanne said...

Millie and her whole family have been in our constant prayers. What a brave little girl Millis is.

Amanda said...

I love you and I loved the last paragraph. I am so glad you got to come see us and that Millie was doing so well. I swear she is the most resilient person. I have been thinking a lot about you guys, please let me know what you find out about Olivia. Do you have an appointment yet?