Monday 25 June 2012

What I've been up too-

So, something you probably don't know about me is....I have recently started working for a radio station!  I speak for 1 hour every Monday morning about psychological research (which I find funny since I only have an associates degree in psychology and my Bachelors and Masters in something else). The station is a local station here in Melbourne but it broadcasts world wide. The station is pretty much the equivalent of an NPR in America (debates, conversation and classical music); we even get callers from the USA!

How I got roped into this....
I was giving a lesson on gratitude in church and failed to get past the empirical evidence and onto the spiritual benefits. It was a good lesson (I thought) but it reminded me a bit of being a college professor in a lecture hall where you are mapping out things that are interesting to you and not to anyone else... One lady in the audience was a radio broadcaster and asked me if I would be interested in being interviewed on her program for one hour each week. I was like SURE!...the best part is, I even get paid!

The first day I did it I was TERRIFIED! I love public speaking so I didn't think I would get nervous but I had such a difficult time talking into a microphone in a small sound proof room with no one to look at. It occurred to me then that I react to the audience a lot when I speak; when they smile- I smile, when they look confused- I expound and I had none of this in the radio station room.

After about a month I got better. In fact, each time I spoke I was significantly better than the last time (which should paint a picture of how bad the first time was). I missed a week while I was over in America, but when I came back it was still easier!

So far we have gotten to talk about a lot of things which I haven't thought about for a while. When I get the topic I then research it so I have something useful to say for the next week. So far I have been interviewed about: Memory emotion, Observational Learning, Parental control and depression,Childhood development and play. Some topics last for a couple of weeks before we move on, others are just one week discussions.  Either way it is fun!


Harry and Suzanne said...

Lucky radio listeners being able to receive your knowledge and input. Not to seem biased you really do have so much to offer in so many areas. Let us know the radio station or calling letters. Maybe we will be able to hear you. We are so happy and proud of you!

sue swinton said...

Good for you Eisha! I would love to hear it so let me know how to do that. Love you. You are the best!

~adelle said...

You do such random fun things! Way to go.

The Francis Family said...

Wow--that's really cool Eish! I wish I could hear you on my radio!!

Danalisa said...

what a great way to use your brain! awesome!

btengelsen said...

you should give us a link so we can listen online