Wednesday 21 November 2012

Sports day!

Last week Thomas' Early Learning Centre (ELC)/ preschool had a sports day! Thomas was on the stripes team (so he was able to forgo the school uniform), and he was very excited as the parents came to cheer and support their child during the athletic activities!
 Thomas running the hurdles!
His form is notable :-)
 Arthur and Thomas
 Going in for the soccer kick...
Year 5 boys on the left (they are buddies with the ELC kids) in the normal uniform
Thomas on the mat. Here they can do any trick they want- We got a stylish jump!
 And of course a medal to finish off the day! 
Good work Thomas!


Harry and Suzanne said...

Sure wish we could be there for some of your main events. You are growing up much too fast.
Lots of love!

Christian Francis said...

That hurdling picture is awesome. That kid's got a future!