Tuesday 6 November 2012

Weekend down at the coast!

This weekend was a long weekend due to the Annual Melbourne Cup horse race (which here in Melbourne is a bank Holiday.) Stan took time off work on Monday (the horse races were Tuesday) and we decided to head down to the coast for the long weekend!
Here we are visiting the light house in the mornington peninsula 

 It was a bit of a hike but beautiful once down by the sea
Looking for sea life
 This beach was unusual because there were giant black rocks and no sand...made for a tricky walk with the kids!
Miss Mary!
Stan helping Mary walk back. Mary adores Stan!
The lighthouse!

  Picture shoot with Mary & Mummy

 Here we are at a lookout point saying good bye to Melbourne!
Before the hike down to the lighthouse we were also able to go through a giant maze and take a run down some slides. The kids had a great day!

 Stan and the kids going down the slide
The gardens were beautiful!
 This giant metal dragon would growl when you would walk by- the kids loved it! All in all- it was a great weekend!


~adelle said...

I love seeing all these new places through your eyes! So fun. I bet it is nice to have Stan back home too.

Amanda said...

Always in awe of where you live and get to visit.