Tuesday 6 November 2012

Stan is back from the USA!

So last month Stan was in the USA for 3 weeks! We missed him but he called everyday so all was forgiven.  Stan was up in Massachusetts to help train some new recruits at Bain. On his way over from Australia he had a layover in Dallas, Texas (where his sister lives) - Here he is with Staci and her beautiful girls! Thanks so much cousin Colette for all the pet shops and cute little birthday bucket for Olivia, she loved them!
a few days later he was also able to stop over in DC to see his parents and other siblings for a few days; he had a great time! 
Here he is with his mom at the monuments!
Thanks Grandma Sue & aunt Cori for even MORE pet shops and treats...my girls were very very spoiled and were SO EXCITED!

When Stan came back we were so excited to see what goods he had brought from AMERICA (the land of everything is half price to Oz). The anticipation had been building up as his luggage had been lost :-)
 First, a Hershey's candy bar, we all ate a piece :-)
 Second, the girls received jewelry from Jill! Olivia got diamond earrings and Mary got some sapphires. THANK YOU JILL!  Long story short, when Olivia was three years old we lived with Jill for 1 year. Olivia used to go upstairs and talk with Jill in her bathroom and play with all her jewelry. Jill said she would give it to her when she died and so far she continues to give it to Olivia piece by piece (yes it is real).  Jill is one of the most amazing people I have ever met and cannot think of without my heart filling with gratitude and my eyes getting moist.
 Stan also picked up the game "Candy Land"- which has been an imaginary place that we use for bedtime stories. Our kids couldn't believe there was actually a game after it!
 And last of all Stan brought over a bag of all his childhood toys which he was able to pass down to Thomas. 
May the force be with you Thomas!

Best present of all was having daddy home again!

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