Friday 6 September 2013

Somewhere over the rainbow- Olivia Swinton

So, Olivia is auditioning to audition for this little kid singing show in Oz (8-12 year olds). The application is due today and for the application you need a video of you singing on Utube. So we threw a dress on over her PJ's, (you can see them at the bottom of her dress :-) filmed this clip around 11:00 pm last night and submitted her application. After the comp we will take the video down because we don't want Olivia to have an internet history starting at 9 years old, but since we are looking to get some "hits" feel free to watch and pass around the video. -

Its OK, (not a great recording of sound), but it was done on a cell phone :)  Enjoy-


lrbodine said...

She has an AMAZING voice! I hope she gets the part she is going for!

Rachel said...

Beautiful voice from that little lady!

I have a friend that is moving to Perth. I wish it was closer to you so you could show her the ropes!

Harry and Suzanne said...

What a great rendition of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" Olivia! We so enjoyed it!