Wednesday 2 April 2014

Olivia's first billboard!

So you may not know this, but Olivia was picked up by an agency called Triple Talent earlier this year. After she got so far in the Annie Auditions for Broadway (second to last kid cut), we had a lot of people approach us about getting Olivia on their books. We originally declined and let her sit for a year, and then decided to go with an agency called Triple Talent, after realising if you are not with an agency you don't get many opportunities to audition for work. After getting some head shots and attending a few auditions, we learned that Olivia loves the spotlight and she LOVES 'chat-to-cameras'. Basically when you audition for anything you just talk to a camera about whatever they tell you too-

On her second audition ever she landed a part as a kid eating chicken in a Coles commercial (Coles is a grocery store in Australia). It was fun, you get fed on set, do a lot of waiting around, finally film, and get paid pretty good (I think she got $750.00 for that commercial and she was only allowed to work for 4 hours- so we got to go home early)!  We set up a bank account in her name and all her money goes into this account which she can cash out once she is 18.

Anyway, as fate would have it, Olivia's photo shoot for Cottees cordial got rained out and postponed just a few days after my jaw surgery. I organised a ride for her (minors always have to be supervised by an adult) and since I was in and out of hibernation, I completely forgot about the photo shoot until I drove Stan to the train station and did a double take! I was absolutely flabbergasted to see a billboard of my daughter! Usually when you do modeling you have no idea what they will use the pictures for or IF they will use the pictures, so we were lucky to see it! 

I then looked on their Face book page and there were lots more pictures

We later found out this was a national campaign and that these billboards were by every train station in Australia. The best part about the modeling is that we usually get to keep the clothes later! I think Olivia has come away with over 1K worth of clothes in the last 6 months. I can't complain since she and Mary as the same size. Olivia is also very good at sharing and let's Mary have a pick of what clothes she wants to keep.


sue swinton said...

All 3 of your children are absolutely darling. Sure do love y'all.

Laura said...

Who knew Australia had a favourite cordial? Also, I went to their facebook page and totally thought they were selling dish soap :)