Thursday 3 April 2014


This year for Thanksgiving we didn't make any plans. Seeing that it is NOT a public holiday out here (or even celebrated) and that I am usually the host...which wasn't going to happen this year post jaw surgery, we didn't even bother.

THEN- a couple days before Thanksgiving, we received a text from a friend (Tash Bains) inviting us over to celebrate. He father is Canadian and they were going to have a harvest celebration (aka Thanksgiving), and since we were American we were invited. I didn't even bring anything to contribute to the table, we just showed up and ate food! It was great and most of the food was soft (mashed potatoes, stuffing, pie, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce etc...) so I could eat most of it :-)

The house we went to was outside of town near the farms. Tash had a horse that would stand by the front door with its head in the entry way- the kids loved it! All in all, I am grateful for friends during the holidays!

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