Tuesday 3 November 2009

Melbourne Cup

The Melbourne Cup Horse Races!
While Halloween is a BIG deal in the USA the Melbourne Cup (horse race) is a really big deal down here in OZ. Today is the biggest race day of the week. Everyone was placing bets and restaurants were packed full this afternoon with signs and parties going on to support the race....and this is in Sydney....imagine what it is like in Melbourne. Stan was down in Melbourne last week but decided to work in Sydney this week due to the Melbourne cup (it would have been a lost week of work) since there is so much hype in Melbourne. The horse who won was named Shocking and the Jockey (Brown (from Sydney....maybe that is why everyone is so excited out here) won his first cup this year.

In addition to the race, the fashionable hats that accompany the race are equally notable. I don't have any hats so I guess that is why I really couldn't go :-)

Last week when I made a doctors appointment for today and I had the secretary say..." you know that Tuesday is the Melbourne Cup!" I am like, "yea....I still want the Dr. apt." I wasn't sure how the race day would stop me from seeing the Doctor in the morning....:-)


Jess, Andrew and Family said...

It is crazy what people get into! Take the World Series for example. Andrew is going insane! I know there is even people who don't really like it, but watch it because everyone else is.
The hats were cool though. If I was there you and I would make our own crazy hats and go!

The Francis Family said...

Man, you could just get your kids to wear some crazy hats for Halloween and they would still feel like they were dressing up! I hope you won your bets on the horse racing :) I think it would be fun to go to a race someday! I love you!

cambersue said...

Those hats made me think of "My Fair Lady" when she goes to the horse race and they all have those fancy hats and dresses. It would be so fun to dress up and go to the races!

Harry and Suzanne said...

Okay, gots to go, have been on facebook more then usual. But it is a good way to keep in touch!
Good night now!!