Friday 1 August 2014

Movie Star Planet!

So this picture is a bad example because Olivia's video eventually didn't pop up anymore and you now have to search it, BUT a few days after Olivia's blind audition's were shown on TV there were a few kids that were advertised on a kids video game called "movie star planet."  Olivia was playing the game with a friend and  then all of the sudden her video popped-up along with Alexa (this girl is on fire) & Robby (the scottish kid). The three of them popped up for about two weeks until they were replaced by some other popular you-tube clip.  Olivia would sit on the game and see comments from other players about her video. She kept telling me "I want to tell everyone that I am her!" I didn't want her too for safety reasons, but it got really funny when someone created a movie star person called "Olivia" that looked like her and would talk to other kids, but Olivia wasn't that person. We watched this character for a while and decided if this character did anything bad we would notify The Voice- kids legal team to have them take down this false identity of Olivia. 
Either way, interesting right?

1 comment:

Harry and Suzanne said...

More scary then interesting!
Wish people would not take liberties with other people, especially young children.
Stay safe!