Wednesday 27 August 2014

Weekend at Phillip Island

After Olivia was eliminated from The Voice- kids, she had 4 days before her audition for Les Miserables. After we found out she got the part for Les Miserables, and realized what a time commitment it would be (4 days/ week and every weekend would be taken until December) we realized we would not have time for a holiday for a good year. We packed up the car and drove an hour east to Phillips Island for the weekend, we stayed in a holiday house, went fishing and just let the kids play. It was long overdue and since we had spent most of the summer with family, filming The Voice-kids and then going straight into school- we hadn't had a weekend away for a very long time.  
Here are some pictures of the kids fishing. Olivia and thomas caught a fish straight away, but nothing seemed to bite for Mary.

The summer is gone and autumn came sooner than I would have liked!

After an hour we left the lake and went into an indoor area loaded with fish. Mary was sure to catch something here!
5 minutes later....
Afterwards, we ate the fish for lunch and then went onto the chocolate factory and some time at the beach!


The Francis Family said...

Those are some big fish!! How fun!

Harry and Suzanne said...

Wish we were there to share that outing--it looked like so much fun!