Tuesday 23 August 2011

End of Soccer season!

Before we left for the USA the girls finished up their last soccer game for the season. Soccer is difficult in Australia since it is held during the winter time. The practices are held on fields that are pitch dark (unless the council remembers to turn on the lights), the games are usually rained out and the kids are typically cold and want to go home. I don't care if the rest of the world is playing soccer during the spring/summer/fall--it is ridiculous that we play during the winter just to stay on some international soccer timetable. We should just play when it is warm! I am going to start a protest out here in Oz--CRAZY!
Anyway, this was the girls first soccer season and they did improve :-) Here are some pictures of Mary's last game. Olivia's game was during the same time at a different field, so I don't have any pictures from her last game :-(
Mary was the only girl on her whole team...I think it toughened her up!
In all honestly, Mary has the body of an athlete. IF she put her mind to it, she could be good in whatever sport she follows. She is the tallest in her class, has quite a bit of muscle but doesn't like to run and can be very emotional. I am not too worried though...she is 5...there is time!
During this last game Mary finally scored her first goal EVER and afterwards played more aggressive than usual. In addition, she even had a smile on her face while running after the ball. This is a big deal because Mary has been known to finish soccer practice earlier than the other kids because she is "tired of running" and the coach sends her to me when she decides to just sit on the grass.

Below is a picture of Mary and her coach. Stan was more or less the assistant coach with Mary's team as he would usually sub kids out and help during the Saturday games but couldn't help on the week night practices.

1 comment:

Harry and Suzanne said...

That's our Mary! We are so proud of you Mary--you did great! Love you lots and lots!!