Thursday 25 August 2011

Happy Anniversary- 9 years

After landing in Sydney, I realized the next day was Stan & I's 9 year anniversary! Where has the time gone? To Celebrate, I had gotten Stan a giant Hershey Kiss from Hershey Park . . . he loves chocolate!
Unfortunately, the day didn't quite pan out as planned. First when I got off the plane Olivia had broken out in a rash all over her body. It was quite bad and since the same thing had happened to me when I had overdone it I assumed the hives were a result of little sleep and stress. She was itching all over and quite swollen and miserable. After getting her an antihistamine, shower and anti-itch cream, I tended to Thomas who had the flu or "Gastro" as they call it out here. Basically, diarrhea and vomiting. The baby-sitters had taken Thomas to the Dr's the day before. He was being tended in Oz for the extra days I was in DC with the girls. To top it off, Stan had an accident while at a company retreat. He slipped on some water by a pool, sprained his ankle and fell in....somehow his phone is still working. When he fell in the pool he hit his knee on something and got a small fracture. He waited 24 hours and once his knee was huge and he couldn't walk on it he went into the Emergency Room. They did X-rays and an MRI and said his ACL was torn. When he got home he was on crutches and a full leg brace.

Anyway, I was looking around at my three needy persons and all the suitcases that needed to be unpacked and all the laundry and then though how jet lagged I was and how our anniversary was on a Sunday (the next day) and I kind of just thought....lets skip it! I gave Stan the Chocolate Kiss and he said he would make the Anniversary up to me but whatever--10 years is the big one RIGHT? So I guess this wedding picture sums up our 9 year anniversary a little bit better....cake in your face right???


sue swinton said...

I am so-o-o-o sorry about Olivia's rash, Thomas's sickness and Stan's accident. We should have just kept y'all here with us :)

Danalisa said...

you are the best sport ever! hope all are on the mend!

The Francis Family said...

9 years is a long time! We'll watch your kids for your 10th anniversary if you can somehow get them to our house :)

~adelle said...

You have a fantastic attitude. And can I just say that you have been having way too much fun lately. Looks like you had a great trip to the States. :)