Thursday 25 August 2011

Washington DC & the Monuments

After a week at Deep Creek Lake, most of the cousins headed back home to kick off a new school year. We were sad to see them go, but happy to have a week in DC with just Grandma and Papa Swinton. One of the first things we did with Papa Swinton was check out the monuments. Stan's family lives about 15 minutes outside of DC. It was fantastic to take the kids around and teach them some American history. I recently taught them some American songs (as we had some Aussie friends move to the states and we were trying to teach their kids about the USA) We learned the star spangled banner, I am proud to be an American, God bless America and so on!
Thomas and Stan went home early so it was just a week with me and the girls in DC! Here we are at the Washington Monument!
The US Capitol from the Washington Monument
The World War II monument. I was trying to explain the Holocaust, Hitler, Jews, and all of World War II to Olivia...her primary concern was which side was Australia on? To her relief it was the USA side not the German side :-)
Lincoln memorial from the World War II memorial
World War II monument again
The Washington Monument from the Jefferson memorial
Visiting the Jefferson with Papa Swinton
Getting popsicles outside the Jefferson Memorial
Driving past the Arlington Cemetery
Mary deciding she will not walk one more step to see one more monument :-)
Olivia & I at the Iwo Jima monument (World War II)
The Potomac River & Georgetown in the background
Walking to the Roosevelt Island
Olivia & I at the Theodore Roosevelt Island


Harry and Suzanne said...

Fantastic pictures of DC and our three beautiful girls! Nice to see our beautiful DC.

sue swinton said...

You can't imagine how much I miss y'all. You are just so far away! Love you tons!

Danalisa said...

Can't believe how much traveling you did!! and so much of it with three kids! you are amazing! glad you had a nice time and were able to do and see all that you did! =)

btengelsen said...

tee hee, Mary wouldn't take another step.

Jacob H. Tengelsen said...

sounds like you've had an accident prone couple of weeks. I hope all is well.

The Francis Family said...

You're a skinny minni Eish! Just thought you should know! I love you!